My Genius

My Genius

Many people think that being a genius is being extra smart. To sum that may be the definition but according to Thomas Armstrong people can be a genius at different things. There are different qualities that a person can be good at and what ever that is that would be your genius. I agree with this because there are a lot of things that I'm not good at but there are also other things that I exceed at and that would be my genius.

Curiosity was always one of those things for me. Inside of school and outside of school I have experienced things that help me realize that I exceed in curiosity. During a lot of situations I have realized that it would lead me to being curious about other things. For example during a class in school the teacher was giving a lesson on history. As the lesson went on and went on a question popped into my head. So I raised my hand and asked my question, but after I asked it someone shouted out "that was a stupid question." The teacher replied by saying "there is no such thing as a stupid question." At that point I realized it's alright to be curious because it's better to have a question and ask it then to have one and not have an answer.

That isn't the only situation where I realized it's good to be curious. I also realized outside of school hanging out with my friends and also hanging out with my family. After the situation in school I wasn't afraid to ask a question that I was curious about. I realized this at a gathering that I was at surrounded by family and plenty of friends. As a conversation was going on a lot of things popped into my head as usual. So as the conversation got deeper I asked what if they don't do it that way and do it this way. After I got replies like "I never thought of it like that", and "wow that's a good way to look at it." As that happen it made me remember the situation in school and made me feel even better about my curiosity.

In conclusion, I have realized that being a genius isn't only being smart at everything. It's being good at what ever quality that I have. I realized that I'm good with my curiosity and there might be a whole bunch of other qualities that I could be genius at. Until then I guess Ill just stick with my curiosity.

© Damon Coleman 2009